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Three digital marketing trends for 2016

What opportunities does 2016 hold for digital marketers? Here are three trends to understand and plan for.

What opportunities does 2016 hold for digital marketers? Here are three trends to understand and plan for.

App Indexing

App indexing is another way for brands to increase their search presence in 2016. Google indexes apps in the same way as it does websites. This means that when a user conducts a search on a mobile device, app content appears in the results alongside web pages. Deep links are displayed, which take the user directly to the relevant content within the app.

According to Google, “the average person only uses 26% of their apps daily, while one in four apps are never used at all. App Indexing helps you re-engage your existing app users through Google Search, for both Android and iOS.”


Virtual reality

While virtual reality is in its nascent stages, it is emerging as a marketing tool – for those who can afford it and access high quality VR technology.

One early adopter is Marriott International. The hotel group built large cubicles – or Teleporters – that used virtual reality technology to give people an experience of London and Hawaii, adding heat and mist to create a more immersive experience, reports Chief Marketer. The aim of the campaign was to inspire people to book a Marriott holiday in these destinations, as well as to engage a younger market segment.

While marketing opportunities in this field are not widely accessible yet, a range of virtual reality devices are due for release over the next few years which may change the game entirely.


Wearable technology

More and more people are adopting wearable technology, from smart watches to fitness bands and
intelligent clothing. In fact, Business Insider estimates that this market will grow by 35% per annum until 2019.

In this context, marketers need to get their heads around the Internet of Things and the opportunities it could hold for their brand, such as niche advertising opportunities based on consumer locations, behaviour, habits and even fitness levels!

If you require advice on how to create a digital marketing strategy that takes advantage of these trends, chat to Francesca at Kri8it.

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